Monday, September 6, 2010

Brodsky Orthodontics, reminding you September is National Childhood Injury Prevention Month

Fall is almost upon us, which means it's a great time for Drs. Brodsky and Van Allen to remind all our patients (especially you athletes) to take care of both your mouth and appliances while participating in sports this fall. Let's face it: this is a busy time of year sports-wise, whether you're kicking the soccer ball around in the park or training for high school football around Orange County.

With September being National Childhood Injury Prevention Month, our entire staff at Brodsky Orthodontics want you to know that only by using a mouth guard can athletes with and without braces avoid serious sports injuries. So, the next time you're in for a visit at our convenient Lakewood office, we encourage you to ask Drs. Joel, Charles or Van Allen for a mouth guard, and we will provide one! For more info on sports injuries and how to avoid them, check out this article.

We hope you've had a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!

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